Friday, August 3, 2018

Signs Of Your Kids Contact with Online Predators, Protect them with Mobile Spy app

The Internet is an open source to connect with people whether they are known or strangers for a user. Kids are commonly using various social media applications through which they get connected with an ample number of persons whom they chat for all day long. These may be their mates or some strangers. The world is full of demons who can influence your child in a wrong direction. Prevent your child from these predators sitting online by installing a Mobile spy app on their phones. Mobile spy app is an application which monitors application on your child’s mobile phones completely and gives you parental control over their virtual world.
As kids don’t have that much knowledge about judging a person whether he is the right one to chat or is a predator who can ruin his or her career. The internet has made it easier for the predators to catch their prey and easily communicate with them by these mediums. Teenagers post some of offensive posts or update picture on social media platform with some bold moves allows these predators to filter out their soft targets. By visiting their timeline and analyzing the updates done by your kids it’s easy for them to find out the attraction or the soft point of your kid which they can use while having chat with your young ones. It is very easy for these brutes to manipulate your kids by some romantic phrases which are always fascinating for your teenagers. This kind of activities can prove to be one of the biggest mistakes of your kid’s life. Cyber professionals have jotted down some of the major crimes which are seen to be common in the cyber world which is committed by the predators:
  1. Cyber-bullying: Cyber-bullying is an act of posting offensive comments or posts on your kid’s social media wall which can hinder your kid’s mental health as this post is seen by their friends and classmates. And because of these posts, your kids feel insulted. Also, if the kid has exchanged some personal images it can be a chance that predators may blackmail your child and force him to do some offensive activities which are against their will.
  2. Cyber-stalking: Cyberstalking is a practice of stalking your kid’s routine and know his/her whereabouts, these stalkers will meet your child in real just for their sexual gains. Which can leave a negative impact on your kid?
According to the professionals, there are several signs which can help you in finding out if your child is in contact with the predators.
Signs which shows that your kid is in contact with a predator
  1. Immediately changing the screen of their phone once you are near: It is seen that kids switches between the application they were using once they see parents around them. This act of hiding the chats or activity is done because they know they are doing wrong or offensive things and they are not able to share it with you.
  2. Spending a lot of time on their smartphones: We all know that kids are deliberately using social media platform but at the same time if they are using the application continuously for the whole day it can be a sign of getting connected with some unethical elements of the society. It is not necessary that it could be a predator they may be engaged in some romantic relationship but at the same time, it is harmful to their career. As they won’t be able to concentrate on their books for a longer period of time.
  3. Losing their interest in their passion or hobbies: It is often seen that kids spend their idle time by doing those things in which they have interest upon. For examples, if a kid is in sketching he would sit with a pencil and a blank paper once he gets time for it. But if the kid is glued on phone away from his places of interest and continue typing on some application it could be the predators who are creating a space between your kid and his aspirations.
  4. Adult images or history of the explicit website: If your kid’s phone has stored some adult images and browsing history which have explicit content or which are meant for adults it may be a predator who is influencing your child towards this field.
  5. Secondary or False email accounts: May your child make a secondary email account just to chat secretly with the predator or he knows that maybe he is not talking to the right person who is acceptable by you in these cases it is seen that they make a separate account to carry out this activity.
  6. Gifts and phone calls from some unknown sources: Your child may start receiving the gifts and phone calls from some unknown sources. This can be a matter to worry about for you as a parent.
ONESPY Mobile spy app

OENSPY Mobile spy app is a mobile spy which is a leading spy app as compared to others which are present on the internet. The spy phone app is specially designed for the parents who want to completely monitor their child phone. Spy phone software is completely hidden and can not be removed from your kids’ mobile phone. The main features of the MobileSpy App are:
These are some of the features of the ONESPY app which allows you to completely monitor each and every application of your child’s mobile phone. You can download the application easily by visiting the website Once you visit the website you can opt from the subscription offers made by them. For any further assistance, you can connect with their technical support and also can have an online chat support.

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