Saturday, September 1, 2018

Don’t let your child be a Cyberbully, monitor each step with the help of a Mobile Spy app

It is a well-known fact that children and kids are using social media platforms on their smartphones but it is equally important to know what they are up to. It is seen that kids and teenagers come under the influence of their peers or some of the strangers and get indulged in some of the offensive activities on the social media. If your kid is attaining a digital citizenship in the digital world it is equally important for you as a parent to attain a digital parental control over your kids. Mobile Spy App allows you to see all the messages and calls which are made or received by your child on their smartphones. Mobile spy app provides you with a control panel which gives you each and every detail of every application installed on your kids’ phone.

It is not necessary that every time your kid is becoming a victim of crimes likes cyber bullying or cyber stalking. Sometimes it can be them who are being indulged in these types of crimes on the social media platform. The Mobile Spy app allows you to trace all the messages which are even deleted from the kids’ smartphone or are hidden in some of the password-protected folders in the application. There are some alarming facts by which parents should get alert that their child may be a part of some cyber crimes.

Signs that your child is a cyberbully

There are some of the common signs which can be seen in a child which can make the parent understand that they can be a cyberbully. These signs are listed as follows:
  1. Immediately Switching between the applications: It is seen that the children who are being indulged in some of the cyberbullying activity is seen to be changing the screen of their phones immediately once you enter the room or they feel that you are around.
  2. Is secretive about their Online activities: Kids who are seen to be bullying others can be seen as being secretive about all the activities which they are doing online. They won't ever let their parents know about what they are doing on the social media or with whom they are chatting with.
  3. Uses the mobile phones late night when the child know that he is unsupervised: Kids and teenagers are seen to be using the social media or chatting on their phones when they know that they are alone at night or maybe the parents are slept by the time. They freely post some of the offensive pictures on the victim’s timeline.
  4. Uses multiple fake accounts on the social media sites and gets upset if they are out of reach of their phones or internet: Kids who are indulged in some of the bullying activities are seen getting irritated or upset when they are out of reach of their cell phones or internet. And these children tend to use multiple and fake social media accounts on the internet. This can be an alarming situation for the parents if they come to know about the fact that their kids are using multiple media accounts.
Which one to choose from?

When we start searching for the mobile spy apps on the internet it will give us a lot many options which we will think is best for us. Most of them will offer you a free trial for some days but as there are many scam apps which can leak your personal data for unethical means you need to be very active while installing it.

ONESPY app is a leading hidden spy app for cell phones today. You can directly visit their website and can purchase the app. The apps come with several features which will prove to be helpful for you as an employer and as a parent. The main features of the ONESPY app are :
  1. Contact: ONESPY will give you the directory of all the contacts saved by your employee or your kid on their phone. The spy cell phone app will give you a parental access over the contacts. You can export or delete any contact by your end with the help of mobile spy app.
  2. Call History: The mobile spy app will give you a memo of all the calls made and received by the target mobile phone. ONESPY will give you the whole detail of the calls with the saved name and number with duration and timestamp.
  3. Call Recordings: The mobile spy ONESPY comes with a hidden call recorder installed with it. The mobile spy app will secretly record all the calls and will send it to your control panel from which you can retrieve and download the audio file.
  4. SMS Messages: The normal SMS messages are also recorded and shown by the mobile spy app. The details of all the messages are sent to your control panel provided the access to export and delete the messages with the help of an ONESPY app.
  5. Surround Recordings: The mobile spy app comes with the remote command which can open the mic of the phone and record all the conversation going near it. You can give the command by the ONESPY app to turn on the mic and download the audio file and can get the idea of the conversation done by your employee with the client or your kid’s in the college.
  6. Applications: Social media applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Hike, Line or Tinder the chats done from these platforms are recorded and sent to your control panel. Mobile Spy app will give each and every message which are even stored in their archive folder it will retrieve all the messages once they are received on the phone. Emails are also trackable from Samsung mobile spy software every email sent and received through google or yahoo or outlook is sent to your control panel.
How to download ONESPY the Mobile spy app?

The mobile spy app is easily downloadable from the ONESPY official website You can go through all the features and the subscriptions provided by them mentioned on the website. Once you are satisfied with the features you just have to click on the buy now button. They will redirect you to the payment page, once paid a mail will be sent to your email provided the link to download the app.

In any further problems faced by you while installing the app, you can go through the installation guide sent to you with the email or you can call their technical staff to make your task easy. They provide you an online chat support which will help you on a real-time basis.

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